
Last weekend I went to LA and checked out the tar pits. You can't actually see the tar (sad) it's under water in this lake. But I saw this really cool display with 1600 dire wolf skulls. And we also went to the Museum of Tolerance, which is about the Holocaust. It's hypocritical in that by tolerance, they mean sticking you in a room and forcing you to watch videos about Jewish people and how they suffered. It's a complete video tour, but they pretend its not because you need to move from room to room to see the videos.

Tar pits w/ sculptures. The tar is under the water in the lake.

1600 dire wolf skulls.

This last week, and this weekend just plain sucks. Way too much schoolwork. And it'll continue into next week, even more schoolwork, plus the week after is the deadline for job hunting. So I've got my hands full. I wonder if I should have dropped out. If all this work, which takes up all my waking hours, doesn't amount to a decent job that I like, why not stop now?