
Sexual harassment training video I was forced to watch:

(in the office)
Guy: Hey Cindy, it's getting late, how about we go grab a bite to eat and some beers?
Cindy: Umm, no thanks I have to go home to feed my cat.

(next day)
Cindy: Why did you take me off the project?
Guy: You better watch it, you're starting to develop an attitude, kinda like a cat.

Me: I wish my life was that exciting. Let's see, incredibly awesome things that happened today . . . well I wore my pants that don't fit in a really obvious way along with my $10 Hong Kong shoes and don't look good in general, of course we had to have a meeting today and I had to show up looking like a frumpy bunny. Also instead of doing my assignment in a legal manner, I produced an excel spreadsheet full of estimated and actual values of litigation, handicapped by risk. I'll turn it in, enjoy the shock value, and then have to redo it in a less efficient harder to comprehend legal format. I sat through an hour long meeting today and came away with one note of interest: there's an Ivy in San Diego?? I was forced to eat Panera food and drink a soda without a straw (bad day in my book). My coworkers luv their babies. I put up a picture of the cat but it's not getting quite the same response. Tonight I "look forward" to reading more hopefully good but often disappointingly not so good articles written by fellow students. And oh ya, I have to feed my cat.


update on me

I haven't blogged in a while . . . a few reasons for this. Mostly I have a weird schedule this semester between work and class and others, a schedule that blurs the distinction between weekdays and weekends. All I know is I get up and I've got stuff to do and usually it's not 'fun.' I guess the fact that it's rained or greyed-out straight since January 1 doesn't help things, every day looks the same. There's also a lot of stuff going on but none of it is stuff I can share on the intertubes, you know I can't talk much about work or how I hate people!

One exciting thing this weekend, I got a free plasma tv* and a free futon sofa! Of course I'm much more excited about the sofa. It's a huge improvement over my icky sweat stained no armrest ikea sofa. The plasma tv will be great for my Xbox, since that's in HD.

*So the tv's not really free, it's my brother's, but I get to keep it until he comes reclaim it..

Edit: Question of the day: more grease on hair = more charisma? or more grease on hair = higher chance of making partner? or more grease on hair = bigger asshole? or ALL OF THE ABOVE.


Ice Lodge Jeero

Remember how I bought a Jeero at Comic Con 2 years ago? Back then he was yellow like Muffy.

"Jeero just wants to sit on the couch with you and eat some snacks. Don't ask him too many questions (he doesn't know anything). He loves to exercise."

Well, Jeero went to Michigan, grew up, and froze. Now he's ice lodge jeero.
" . . . Ugly dolls decide to go on a little vacation and stay at the Ice Lodge . . . Ice means FROZEN right? As in freezing? 2 cold to move? The bright side is Jeero won't have to do a lot of moving around."


Massive Pix Post

A quick summary of my holiday break . . .

A few weeks ago, a ship from China crashed into a bridge and spilled oil all over the bay. It would look a little like this:

Tiger reflected on the kitchen floor.

Christmas dinner azn style: Mongolian hot pot @ Little Lamb Mongolian Hot Pot. There's a joint in San Diego too. The broth is very flavorful in a thick and dark type of way, and spicy is way spicy. Good if you like strong flavors.

In LA I went to see the Murakami exhibition. He likes bright colors, eyes, mushrooms and daisies. He's also the designer for a line of LV purses.

Staples Center for Kings v Flames (hockey game). It's my first visit to the Staples center.

The anthem in Canadian and American.

Opening faceoff! Kings lost 6-4.

Now: Chargers v Titans
Tomorrow: School starts