
update on me

I haven't blogged in a while . . . a few reasons for this. Mostly I have a weird schedule this semester between work and class and others, a schedule that blurs the distinction between weekdays and weekends. All I know is I get up and I've got stuff to do and usually it's not 'fun.' I guess the fact that it's rained or greyed-out straight since January 1 doesn't help things, every day looks the same. There's also a lot of stuff going on but none of it is stuff I can share on the intertubes, you know I can't talk much about work or how I hate people!

One exciting thing this weekend, I got a free plasma tv* and a free futon sofa! Of course I'm much more excited about the sofa. It's a huge improvement over my icky sweat stained no armrest ikea sofa. The plasma tv will be great for my Xbox, since that's in HD.

*So the tv's not really free, it's my brother's, but I get to keep it until he comes reclaim it..

Edit: Question of the day: more grease on hair = more charisma? or more grease on hair = higher chance of making partner? or more grease on hair = bigger asshole? or ALL OF THE ABOVE.