
So I was lame this weekend...

I'm saddened by my extreme lameness this week. So I'm putting up pictures of the airshow I attended last weekend, when I was not lame. You can't be lame when it takes you an hour to get into the air base, and an hour to get out. That's what happens when they make the show free, with free parking. But don't worry, the military recruiters were out in full force, so I'm sure they got their money's worth. But it was still an awesome event.

We saw tons of military aircraft, like this helicopter...

And we saw planes refueling...

Ooh, and of course there were snipers...I don't think they were part of the show of course, but were added suppport.

And we saw tanks!

And they did military stuff like blow up the ground, and fly loud fast planes around, and everyone brought their fancy cameras with their huge lenses to take pictures, but really the pictures don't work out, it's much better to see it in person. And if you bring your big fancy camera and end up sitting next to me, I'll greatly hinder your efforts to capture images, by refusing to move, and shoving my elbow into your lens.