
Cat Thanksgiving

Haven't posted in a long time =( Originally I meant to do this every other day, then it became every week, and now it's been what almost two weeks? I wish I had the motivation and energy to keep it up, a running diary, like a xanga I suppose but minus the viruses. I'll work on it over break. Claiming my spot in cyberspace. Another of a huge long list of things I mean to accomplish.

My time away from here was not in vain though! We had a Thanksgiving with no brothers, but plenty of foreign relatives! I'd vote for the kimchee turkey or hotpot, but no...we had to have a traditional meal. I contributed mash potatoes smothered in sour cream and green onions (versus butter) and burnt brussel sprouts (burnt on purpose). They were pretty good. And we actually had good wine. Not good as in pricey, but good as in easy to drink. As we're immigrants, we can't tell good wine from bad, and as we're Chinese, we're incredibly stingy. So we ended up with a huge bottle of "white merlot." You know how they make white merlot? They take some white wine and dump it into the leftover merlot. Or maybe it's pear juice. Either way it comes out a delicate pink, and tastes like punch.

And after that, we went shopping! Now, 3/3 guests didn't have money and couldn't afford to buy anything. And everyone else has questionable taste in fashion. I'm the only one willing to spend hundreds on clothing that I'll never wear. I'm particularly susceptible to clothing fashioned from two+ types of animal fur, extra points if its shiny as well. But none of it fits!

To end this post I've included some Tiger pix. I remember when I was looking for cameras, some guy took this incredibly close up picture of the eye of his siamese cat. I wanted to replicate that image. So I got the same camera. I haven't done so yet, but as you can tell from the second shot, we're getting a lot closer. It's difficult to photograph a black and white cat though, the focus is never perfect, and as I've learned, photographing in ISO 1600 produces grainy images. The goal is to perfect this over winter break.