
Spring Break 2

So on St Patrick's day, we went to ShamROCK, this huge block party put on by the city of San Diego. They closed off the gaslamp quarter and had DJ's + live Irish rock. We checked out THIN, a cool little lounge in downtown. It's got a sleek modern look that comes off as cheap, but hey this town loves clubs. We had free admission to a bunch of other bars, but they all had long lines. And again, I don't really find drinking shoulder to shoulder with strangers appealing.

On Saturday I went to Malibu! Tried to find David Geffen's house, but the celebrities actually live down the hill next to the ocean, in a way that's inaccessible for the ordinary person. They seal off the roads to their residences to all except residents. Malibu itself is a city defined by the coastline, it's long instead of wide, and everyone's got a view of the sea. Here's Pepperdine U. Lotsa people from my law school wanted to go here, but were too dumb.

This is me on the Malibu beach. Ya it was really cold and windy, remember it rained the day before, and would rain the day after.

The real reason for the Malibu visit was to check out the remodeled Getty Villa. It's like Hearst Castle, although instead of going retro it goes modern with an emphasis on long lines and geometry. It's also a museum, with a huge collection of Grecian vases.

Then we checked out 3rd street promenade (my 4th time there!) and had dinner in japan town at this conveyor belt sushi place! I overdosed on toro and two other types of tuna. Ya, I had to pretend to like raw fish.

Today I went to La Jolla cove! Check out the seals. It's pregnant seal time. Mom seals + baby seals, which are grey and look like squirrels.

I also went to a cave in the cove, you pay $4 and go down a long flight of stairs. You emerge in this water cave, filled with nesting pigeons. Here's some pigeon eggs

Came home today with 100pgs to read and all the usual terrible things that plague me, and I've gotta go back to school tomorrow =(

Cheddar soup

Brief post break between spring break 1 and 2.
Crispin made cheddar soup.
We went to whole foods last week and he saw the recipe, it stuck in his mind. Anyhow, I get to eat it now. I hope its good. My whole house smells like cheese =\

Spring break part 1

I had spring break last week, although it wasn't much a vacation. I spent most of my time catching up in school and writing my outlines. I still think I won't have much to show for my efforts, but I do it anyways. Last weekend we checked out PB to shoot some pool. We found all the bars completely packed. Our pool hall was empty. Pool isn't as popular as binge drinking I guess. I felt really left out, like I always do in clubs/bars, etc, like I don't even belong in this country. This country's emphasis on drinking culture, further emphasized by the law profession's endorsement of these areas as places to "network" makes me feel like I've chosen the wrong field, and indeed, perhaps been born into the wrong country. But that wasn't the point of the weekend, the point was PB is packed Friday nights, and we sucked at pool.

I tried pool part 2 on Wednesday at a Korean pool place where they don't serve alcohol and the lady serves milk to regulars, and allows them to smoke under the "do not smoke sign." Boy did I suck. And I got ripped off twice, once at dinner (never go to places that don't print prices on their menu), and again at the pool hall when she added on 30min of play time that did not occur. But how can you argue w/old Korean women...