
Palm Springs

I went to Palm Springs this weekend. It's about 2hrs north of San Diego, in the middle of the desert. Building luxury condos is a big thing, as are boarded up buildings. It looks as if one type of people have left, and another type is coming in, or at least they're hoping a new type will come. Lotsa casinos, things for the old and rich. It's a good place for cosmetic surgery too. There's this main street with restaurants, all that serve the same food (but I'm sure it's good food). There's a Kobe beef restaurant that doesn't serve kobe beef. And we got dinner at a bbq place that served me a super sweet super alcoholic mojito!

The main thing was the 110 degree heat. It's like having your skin seared off. Our car almost melted. We went to the Palm Springs Tramway, which is this tram that takes you way up this huge rocky mountain. There, you can go hiking. The tram's really popular among tourists and hikers. We saw a bunch of koreans...they brought a box of inari to eat.

We also visited a Palm oasis. It's really not like the oases in games, it's not clean, the water's not clear and blue, there are no pristine sand dunes. It looks overgrown and full of dead palm trees. The water is shallow, filled with tiny little fish. And it was HOT.

Today on the way back we went to the Cabazon outlet center, which is absolutely huge. Again, tons of Koreans. It's a good place to get polo shirts. I didn't get anything...nothing fits me =\

Palm oasis

Palm oasis again

View of the parking lot from the top of the mountain.