
Last Thursday was the last day of work for me. Still not sure if I'm returning in the fall. I'd like to get a position that paid money. Thursday was also the last day of class. My tax final will be next Thursday night. Someplace in there I need to prepare for fall recruiting and finish my citechecking assignment.

It's been muggy and disgusting down here. Last night I thought I died. I usually sleep with the window open, but last night, it didn't make a difference. It was suffocatingly humid and hot; we couldn't breathe. What's worse is Muffy and I fight for the same corner, the one right under the window. I denied Muffy last night, and as a result, she crammed her body up against the window, blocking all air. I hear no relief in sight.

Here's a picture of cats in Hong Kong I found online. Notice how the middle one is a composite of the ones on top and bottom.



It hit 104 yesterday. Luckily, I didn't feel much of it. I had law review training from 11-14, where they assigned work and more work. If it wasn't so prestigious, I would drop out. If I had made top 10% of my class, I would drop out. It sounds like 10hrs minimum of photocopying and running around the library. You pay for your own copies. And that's on top of the time I'll need to spend writing my article. I'm going to write it on copyrights in cyberspace law. I don't care if it hurts my chances of being published, I'm not going to write on criminal justice or Guantanomo Bay or internet poker. Some tool last year changed his topic right after Katrina hit, just so he could get published. No, I'm not like that.

Afterwards three of us snuck into Comic Con. Let me tell you, the booths were AMAZING. The place was absolutely huge. All the television and movie studios were there, along with comic book vendors, American comics, anime, and video and computer games. I saw Dirge of Cerberus, Warcraft, I saw the guy who voices Fry on Futurama, and of course, Snakes on a Plane! Afterwards we watched a Batman Q/A. It was just like on tv, when they make fun of star trek geeks at star trek conventions, where people ask the same retarded questions and the people answering are like...what the hell? Ya, just like that. Real life comic book guys. Then we watched the world premiere of the Teen Titans movie (which sucked). We missed out on the guy who wrote the Last Unicorn, and on the preview of Neverwinter Nights 2, which is today!

I bought two ugly dolls, one for my parents, and one for me. It looks like Muffy.



Yesterday the fish died.

It was four years old.

Today I saw a large beetle.

I think it was the fish. Reincarnated.

It's 86 degrees today. Muffy's ears are warm. We slept w/o blankets last night, Muffy and me, and Muffy took over the entire bed.


Rosarito Beach

Three of us visited Rosarito yesterday. It's quite a trip by bus, we bussed to the border, then bussed for 20 min from Tijuana to Rosarito. Rosarito's famous for its spring break parties and beautiful beaches.

The bus dropped us off in front of the Rosarito Beach Hotel, which is famous b/c it's where celebrities used to stay. The hotel isn't luxurious like the Coronado hotel, but it's equally huge and spread out. We found the streets packed with clubs, huge industrial clubs booming with music at 10am. They all sold wristbands which offered all you can drink. Didn't go in, too early for that kind of stuff. We found a lot more street vendor type shopping than Tijuana, but it's still about the same stuff.We went to the beach though, where I got really sunburned.

The beach has awesome waves, it's big, white, and somewhat clean. It would be clean if they didn't let people ride horses around at least. It got really crowded in the afternoon. Some mexicans, some tourists. All in all, it's definitely a good place to pick up a girl/guy, good place for beautiful people to go. Not so good if you're into anything besides beach going and clubbing.