
By July 1st, 2009, I will have a dog(s)

The question is, which kind?

Golden Gate Kennel Club dog show this weekend @ the Cow Palace. First time I've been here.

My choices for future Yellowcat dog, in order:

1) Newfoundland. Tops out at 150lbs, a "giant" breed, dies in 6-10 years because its too big for life.

Show newfies are young & small & very sweet.

Drools a lot. Possibly too large for a non-ranch residence.

2) Rottweiller. Here's me w/one. No one else approves of the Rottweiler except me, and this includes homeowner's insurance/renting policies.

3) Any other breed of giant dog, possibly . . .

St Bernards.

Great Pyrenees.

Tibetan Mastiff. They can get to 160 pounds.
[not shown; not seen at show]

4) I could also accept any dog capable of pulling a sled, like the Alaskan Malamute. They are judged according to their ability to pull sleds.

btw: newfs can also pull carts. see newf youtube video.

C's dog picks.

1) The no-tail Corgi in red/white. C's never had a dog so he thinks we shouldn't start with the giant breeds.

They're so friendly they just jump on strangers. They can't protect me like the rottweiler. C thinks friendly dogs are a plus.

2) Beagle. This also sums up C's entire experience with dogs. He met a few corgis and lived with a beagle for a few months. Oh no he also housesat a massive black dog once, so massive black dogs are also out.

[not shown. how you miss a beagle at a dog show, beats me]

3) Golden Retrievers. C thinks these are still a little large, but likes their stupid smiling friendly faces.

They are a little small for me.

Dogs I used to have:

1) Duchess my English Springer Spaniel. These show dogs are half her size.

2) Leo the sheltland shepdog. Bunch of shelties here in the showring. They're also about half the size of my dog.

Giant Dog I will never own:

1) Giant poodle.

No pictures of toy dogs or terriers . . . not my kind of dog. Plus it was really really crowded.

So what kind of dog will I get? Find out in a few months!