
My Computer Sucks

My battery life used to suck, I had about 90min of juice. Now, it really sucks. Now, my computer has a battery life of approximately 70min. That's with just word processing on a dim screen, I'm not talking power intensive operations like watching dvds. I have a class that's 75min long, in a room with no outlets. That means my computer turns off 10min before class ends, because you know, I need to turn my computer on before class actually starts, because my computer takes 10min to boot up.

In other news, I've got to think of another cyberspace law related paper topic. This time, it can't come off the Lessig blog or the NY Times, because I'm pretty sure everyone in this class reads those items. I'm thinking World of Warcraft again....but I'm afraid someone will do a similar piece of Second Life, which I'll bet is more well known in the legal community (b/c we can pretend to network).