
Why Law School Sucks

If you haven't noticed, I'm trying to blog more often. I read a commentary on Myspace that wondered, why do all these millions of people, with this versatile software, choose only to discuss and glamorize their own life? One guy answered, it's because the common public doesn't have anything under the surface, that all we can think of doing is talking about our menial daily lives.

So, I'm like that. I'm not a brilliant creative awesome writer. I'm not especially funny, I think I'm boring. I'm not even a concise boring writer. And ya, I'm shallow, thats why my blog is about the boring details of my life. It'll stay that way.

Back to why law school sucks. Law school sucks b/c everyone at my school is insanely egotistic, scared to ask for help, and insecure. I feel like I need to keep my mouth shut, least I offend someone's ego, and end up with a letter explaining why I'm wrong and that person is rite. Of course the letters are always very polite, people try to practice their legal writing skills on me. (I edited out some very offensive not very nice stuff here) I'm sure I won't amount to better, but I'll try very hard (and believe me it's hard), to not treat people unfairly.