
Spring Break Part 2

C and I have this tradition of going to Las Vegas during Easter. Rooms are cheaper, it's not as crowded (supposedly) and the desert is just starting to heat up. Those are really half myths. By cheap, I mean rooms and food remain completely unaffordable for families, the traffic on the Strip is so bad we won't drive in LV ever again, and by "desert starting to heat up" I mean it's 91 degrees instead of 110. But with that in mind, we still had a good time!

Took us 6-7hours to drive there as a result of traffic, but luckily Bouchon still honored our reservations. Afterwards, we checked out the line at Tao, the nightclub in the Venetian w/the $30 cover that I really want to go to. At 10pm, the line was already full of people far more beautiful/better dressed than us! C says we're too old for that kind of stuff any ways.

We checked out the Bellagio's central display. It changes every year (?). Last time we came around the lunar new year so it was Asian themed. Today, crane and butterfly themed. The hotel overall has a sakura theme this month, with fake cherry blossoms descending from the ceiling.

Saturday we went to Hoover Dam. This was my second visit, last time over 10 years ago. I'd say it got a lot more crowded, and the tour a lot shorter as a result of terrorist fears.

Hoover Dam controls the Colorado River, which according to the tour, used to destroy entire communities when it flooded. They built the dam in four years during the Great Depression.

Generators inside the Dam. This is about the entire tour. See, you don't need to go inside any more, I've shown it to you. Pic taken at ISO 1600, no flash b/c I like to preserve color, so it's grainy.

The Arizona/Nevada state line comes straight down the middle of the dam. I made C pose for that stupid shot your parents always make you take when you can stand in multiple states at once.

Here's me, but more importantly, you can see Lake Mead and the drought line.

By the time anyone reading this blog visits Hoover Dam, this archway will be constructed. It's to remove pedestrians and cars from the main 2 lane road. As is, the traffic backs up for miles.

Memorial to those who died. I like the art.

We also checked out the wings at the new Hooters casino, shopped at the outlets, and ate at C's favorite Thai restaurant (Lotus of Siam), off in a strip mall in the middle of no where. They make the best catfish.

One of my hobbies: taking pictures of flashing neon signs while in a moving car. Urban art at its best.