
Facebook Meets Blogging

C sent me this article: How your creepy ex-coworkers will kill facebook.

In a nutshell, it's about how on facebook people can trace years worth of your social relationships, so even if you didn't talk to guy A for years and years, he can still find you and others can see you once knew him. This all seems harmless.

I'm clearly the least (financially) successful out of everyone who's ever graduated from my high school or undergrad, and everyone knows that. It bugs me sometimes so I make these online rants that I would never discuss in person. But I never post my justifications, the fact that I hated the laboratory, I won't sit in front of a computer all day, I refuse to put in the hours required in banking, hard work isn't my thing, yet people who I don't talk to on a regular basis will take what they read as reality and it influences their behavior towards me in the future. That's the part I don't like (why do I care?). Anyhow, I removed the link from facebook temporarily. I'm thinking C has a good point in keeping little to no online presence but I also think it's a part of the future so I'm conflicted.

Other important things I discovered during finals week...
1) organic free trade sugar doesn't properly dissolve for baking purposes

2) capacity for marriage is lower than that for making a will, which is lower than making a normal contract

3) banana republic online only lets you use two gift cards at a time so if you're going to give someone $150 worth in gift cards, you should put it on 1 gift card.