
the postings of a mad man

I've got a ton of pix to post from the last month, but I haven't gotten to it yet. Crazy stuff keeps happening, like I entertained for 8 days causing me to neglect schoolwork(good) or my brakes fail/car sux (bad) or I can't handle the 9hrs of sitting at a desk and staring at a computer for meaningless/negative end game (school/work = bad) or I tell my coworkers I wanna be Paris Hilton and it horrifies them (why??/bad). I think this weekend I have a 12hr or so long meeting to attend.

The NYtimes informed me if I feel really tired I should go running because a little exercise will increase my energy 20%. Something like that, I don't fact check man. So I'm now going to jog in place while watching tv at night. I know, it's kinda lame, but I can't afford a gym and I don't live in a safe running place. I ate a bag of spinach the other day and it just made me hungry and kinda nauseated. I need the NRG bad. Moe got a $50 ikea faux persian rug and she just rolls rolls rolls and expects me to roll with her alll day.

Spring break in 2 weeks. This semester just feels really really long and really exhausting and somewhat futile. I think all third years probably share those sentiments. We're just waiting to take the bar. And then what? A long well deserved vacation followed by the tragedies and realness of real life.