
An Expensive Life

My brother's picture of my graduation cake. Picked up at the last minute. Strawberry shortcake. Somebody got me the lei at the $1 store. Party Yellowcat family style.

My attempt at fashion photography. It's really dark inside. I just got these shoes today! I needed them after 8hrs of con law. They were $50. I've got a thing for expensive shoes (as does everyone in San Diego) so I'm trying to wean myself off of that. This is a small victory.


Crazy Ass Focusing Games

In between bar studying, I play crazy ass focusing games with my camera, games that only interest me and disturb everyone else. For example, below I've got it focused on the second plant. It was kind of fun except this guy started following me and my camera around. I've never seen him before, and I live on the ground floor so he should have seen me before. In any case we had to terminate before he either killed me or called the cops. The killing was most likely as he followed me up to my door.

At night I play crazy ass focusing games with Muffy. Here she's in focus, but the camera box isn't. She's unhappy with the order of things. She'd rather she existed, but the camera box and modem permanently disappeared.

Actually she hates these games. And my lens or camera or me, one of us has some serious limits with regard to indoor light and any type of movement. Also, from using my old camera for so long, I know which ISO and exposure settings to use so I don't have to test, but I don't know the aperture or shutter settings automatically. And sadly, I can't seem to tell the difference...

I'm thinking the crazy ass focusing games will need to continue with non-muffy life forms.


My Life Is Lame But My Camera Came

My day:

730am: get up and discover its raining; anticipate car hydroplaning

9am-1pm: bar class with 500 of my closest friends; watch girl break down in bathroom from stress; worry

1-230pm: going home; failed attempt at healthy lunch

230-6pm: practice exam; get mail; wonder if neighbor imprisoned wife

6-7pm: assembled pieces of new camera - CF card, camera software

7-715pm: failed attempt at no real dinner

715-10pm: multiple choice questions in slow motion; attempt to live vicariously through Crispin but fail due to his failure at living an exciting life

10-11pm: discover bathroom sink is clogged; removed trap using youtube videos; documented with new camera

11pm: replaced trap but discover clog is deeper in plumbing; regret throwing out snake; move toothbrush to other sink

11pm-12am: play with camera (highlight of day); post obligatory moe picture

Moe's very dark because I used super manual mode when I hadn't mastered normal mode.

I got a Canon Rebel XT. Your friend probably has either an XTi or the new XSi. Mine's old, about 6-8 years old. I also got it with this lens. It's supposedly wide angle but I can't tell. Then I had to order a flash card. The camera's way too advanced for me and it installed 7oomb+ of software.

12am-1am: find Casino on cable; yay; bed


et al

Morning of day 4 of bar review classes. This is single handedly the worst thing I've ever done. If I died today, I wouldn't have died happy or content or even ok. I'm already convinced the examiners wrote a test to purposefully fail as many people as possible and bar class is both effective and massively ineffective. I can't do 10-12 hour days, I need a reward, and the prospect of possibly passing the bar isn't good enough, especially when tons of 'smart' people pass it, and you're assumed an idiot if you don't.

You who need not tread this path cannot understand, you just think, tough it out it's worth it in the end. It's no pain or loss on your part. But think further and realize what kind of profession am I entering where we're all trained to do 10-12hour days for 10 weeks on top of ordinary life?

Sidenote: My law review buddies would tell you I'm not properly using et al. But I'm not an english major so it's ok.


why you shouldn't buy tickets a year in advance

Our golf tickets came today. You had to reserve and get them more than a year in advance. A year ago we coulda gone. C wasn't in Michigan, I didn't have barbri classes, Tiger didn't have knee surgery. Now, it's up in the air. The most beautiful tickets I have ever seen and will ever see.

I'm going to try to sell them for $500/set. Two sets. Hopefully it flies, the market looks packed right now, will wait till later this month. I mean I can still go....the US Open hasn't come to Torrey Pines for 60yrs....but it would also be nice to make a small profit. The no autograph policy kinda turns me off.

Also my camera lens came today. It's "sigma 28mm f/1.8" something or other. I don't anticipate getting the camera body for another 3 weeks, I haven't even ordered it. But the lens is a lot heavier and scary looking than I anticipated. I'm going to put it in a box and leave it alone...