
My Life Is Lame But My Camera Came

My day:

730am: get up and discover its raining; anticipate car hydroplaning

9am-1pm: bar class with 500 of my closest friends; watch girl break down in bathroom from stress; worry

1-230pm: going home; failed attempt at healthy lunch

230-6pm: practice exam; get mail; wonder if neighbor imprisoned wife

6-7pm: assembled pieces of new camera - CF card, camera software

7-715pm: failed attempt at no real dinner

715-10pm: multiple choice questions in slow motion; attempt to live vicariously through Crispin but fail due to his failure at living an exciting life

10-11pm: discover bathroom sink is clogged; removed trap using youtube videos; documented with new camera

11pm: replaced trap but discover clog is deeper in plumbing; regret throwing out snake; move toothbrush to other sink

11pm-12am: play with camera (highlight of day); post obligatory moe picture

Moe's very dark because I used super manual mode when I hadn't mastered normal mode.

I got a Canon Rebel XT. Your friend probably has either an XTi or the new XSi. Mine's old, about 6-8 years old. I also got it with this lens. It's supposedly wide angle but I can't tell. Then I had to order a flash card. The camera's way too advanced for me and it installed 7oomb+ of software.

12am-1am: find Casino on cable; yay; bed