
The Return of the Prodigal Jennmoe

Jennmoe Drama
Our life has taken on biblical proportions. Is that a sacrilegious claim? Maybe a bit. Almost biblical.

Moe at her last supper, 1 hour before departure.

And then we descended into the Central Valley, covered in fog that never receded, and returned to a land where its so cold the leaves actually change colors and all the shops close at 6pm. Because hell is actually frozen suburbia. C would add that Michigan is also located in hell but its in a different circle of hell.

A life lived once and then lived again. We'll be here, approximately 5 miles from where I grew up, for the next 3.5 years if not longer.

People taking my apartment. If the link doesn't work, let me summarize: four people, 2 american eskimo dogs and 1 cat are going to stuff themselves into the condo. That's what happens when you use a third party broker to rent out your unit.

Jennmoe Comedy (Tragedy?)
a warning to all women...do not get engaged or married without first securing a job.

Jennmoe: help me get a job

Non-moe: aren't you getting married?

Jennmoe: we're not married yet and i have to get a job.

Non-moe: you're marrying an mba, you're set.

Jennmoe: i have to support my cat and create an emergency fund to put C into an asylum when i drive C crazy complaining about my lack of a job.

Non-moe: don't worry you're set. you'd just quit and have a lot of babies anyway.

Jennmoe: i don't want to sit at home all day, its like a prison or a zoo or maybe a fishbowl.

Non-moe: i have real work to do, you'll be fine you're getting married, your husband will support you.

Jennmoe: he's insolvent. im living with my parents. my cat has an eating disorder. help me.

(separately, with someone i dislike)

Non-moe 2: you know you're the most narcissistic person i know.

Jennmoe: the world does revolve around me, it has to revolve around someone and the universe has chosen me.

Non-moe2: one day you'll wake up and realize you're just a hollow shell and no one likes you. that day is probably tomorrow.

Jennmoe: 1 in 5 people has a mental disorder. im a narcissus, you're an asshole.

Non-moe2: and thats why i hate palo alto, everyone's so full of themselves, everyone's just like you, ugly, asian, unimpressive but you think you're some hot shit.

Jennmoe: hey maybe i do belong here.