
Tour of California

Somewhere in the honeymoon planning (99% C's expertise), we had to figure out how to see Monaco. Option 1...see Monaco + the Grand Prix, its cover fee, and the 7800 euro hotel rooms, option 2...just with the cover fee, or option 3...see Monaco but no race for half a day and then get the hell out of the area. How much would you pay to catch a glimpse of race cars?

Oh look the Tour of California's in Santa Cruz. I can test out what it's like to line up for hours to catch a glimpse of some bikes.

Went with the parents b/c dad is a big cycling fan. We're at the intersection of bonny doon and hwy 1 in davenport. Yes, it's about 45 degrees, raining, and I just stood there and waited.

Pack 1, the leaders going up the hill. They go really fast, if you have a camera, you just shoot, you can't think. Or just watch, that's easier.

After pack1 you get their drivers and their bikes and security.

Then the peloton. See I got the guy in the yellow jersey. I don't know who he is.

About 10 seconds and that's it. We headed to Santa Cruz to watch them again on the downhill. Even faster.

Now Monaco would be like this except 1) awesome weather; 2) ancient city instead of beach; 3) seats would suck; 4) trillions of people - but beautiful people; and 5) cost several hundred dollars.

So it's a close call but I think this blog won't be liveblogging the Grand Prix.