
Some Good and Some Bad

The Good
1) My comment on Google and Chinese Internet censorship is getting published! I was really surprised, I didn't write it for publication, but rather to make a law review article as enjoyable as possible for its readers. I guess that ploy worked! You wouldn't know it from this blog, but I do know (some) grammar.

2) I'll be working in DC this summer for the electronic privacy information center. It's a public advocacy group. Freedom of speech on the Internet (subject of my comment and my other paper this semester) comprises a peripheral part of their work. They mostly fight for our right to privacy online. It's still a small field, difficult to enter, but has massive potential.

The Bad

Law school students who make fun of the fact that I took a public interest job, instead of staying in San Diego and making money at some law clerk position. I can't help that I didn't get the summer associate position, and I don't have the connections to dig myself out of that hole. So instead I'm going to work at a place I admire, and try to make the best of this situation. I think it's a lot more productive than focusing on past lost opportunities, or fawning over others' summer associate positions.