
Haven't updated in a while, the reason being I'm doing a lot of stuff I can't discuss online. Basically, September wasn't that great socially, economically, or law-related-ly.

But hopefully I'll do fun stuff this weekend and in October.

Oh and the Lexis rep brought us free Sprinkles cupcakes yesterday =)


Conversations last week:

Landlord: I'd prefer a female tenant so she can play with my daughter.
Me: (thinking) No child touches Muffy!

Friend: Let's go to IHOP.
Me: I haven't been in 10 years because they served me food that came out of a can. It retained the can shape and can stripes.
Friend + dad: IHOP is really good now.
Me: (after ordering) My salsa and ham cubes can out of a can. Pancakes. Must stick to pancakes.

Friend: What are you going to do after you graduate?
Me: My cat and I are moving to Michigan. We're going to live in C's closet. We'll sneak in under the cover of silent frozen night, pick the lock, throw out whatever's in the closet, and move in. It's like adverse possession except my cat and I can summon the power of gravity and become immovable.
Friend: Can I come?

Muffy: Wake up you can't go to bed yet.
Me: Since when does a cat dictate my bedtime.
Muffy: (vomits all over my bed) Wake up and play with me.

I also discovered Target now has knock offs of my favorite jeans. When you're my size, it's hard to find anything that fits, so I buy my jeans at Uniqlo, a Japanese store with one US outlet in New York. They're $40, fit well and look good. Well, Target now sells them for $14....Why don't they copy Sevens? I mean I try hard to pass my sub-$100 jeans off as somewhat designer, and here Target just tells the world, hey she possibly bought the same pair (they're good knock offs) at our store!


Back in the Bay

I took the propeller plane back to the Bay Area to visit my parents. We checked out the "new to me" mall in San Francisco! And it's awesome and beautiful but Southern California still has better shopping and more people who actually care about how they dress. You see, when you're in SF, you know you're there because the locals hobble about in drab sweats and parkas. And I care because I'm insanely shallow and materialistic. Sometimes I think I should dye my hair blond to better conform to the stereotype. I'd be that girl in Legally Blond. Cuz if I could I'd dye my cat pink and carry her around in jeweled bag. But anyhow the folks in SF, I think they eat really well.

Oh, and taking the last flight out of San Jose isn't a great idea when your flight gets delayed. Makes it hard to get picked up on the other end. And you come home to a cat that won't stop meowing or rubbing her slimy body against you. 48 hours later, the frantic meowing continues. See, thats why I can't dye her pink. She'd scream cat abuse and the stay at home wannabe psychiatrists will label me a serial killer.*

*If you exhibit strange behaviour towards any animal, it's a sign you're a sociopath. So say the Internet folk.


The World Moves On Without Me

I have a lot of spare time this semester. I'm trying to find a school-term job, but it's not working out that well, either because no one wants to hire a third year, or because somebody's talking trash about me again behind my back. I guess that's networking for you.

So anyhow, here's a list of what's going through my mind this week.

I watched an episode of Heroes and thought it was good!

I filled out and turned in my moral character application. I think I have 14 references down. I hope everyone turns in their form...I want to say I can depend on 14 people, some friends, some work supervisors.

Started reading up for the MPRE.

I started looking for a place to move. I'm unsure as to whether I should/can stay in San Diego post-bar, so I'm also unsure as to whether I should move, where to, and the terms of the lease.

Would like to attend the Sychuan Pow-wow, but I'm not in town this weekend.

And ya, I'm looking for a permanent job. I'm not going to discuss the process this year.

Visiting my parents this weekend. On one of those small propeller planes.

Finally, "My son is almost 30 and won't leave home." If your parents can afford to keep the entire family intact at home, and your mom cooks for you and does your laundry and buys you new toys, and your parents indulge your every whim, and all you need to do in exchange is never date, never bring over friends, never get married...would you do it? It seems really foreign, but it's essentially what my grandmother does to my dad, it's what we do to our pets...


Labor Day

My brother came over for Labor Day. He didn't have air con in LA, I don't have it here. I prepared a no-cook meal for ridiculously hot weather. It's guacamole, tabouli w/couscous, grape salad, and grape jello in a martini glass.

I've also got tons left over for consumption next week. It's my tribute to Sudan...I watched the movie about the Lost Boys, and they all eat with their hands. So this is kind of like that, except I forgot the pita bread for the couscous.

We got a fancy KFC. I'm still not going in, but I like their new branding. We also have an ultra fancy Jack in the Box in another part of town. Some believe it was the very first one. It's got a fireplace and table service!

Muffy's Hot

The heat wave I brought with me from DC never left. It only intensified. Today it's close to 100, high humidity, and people in LA lost power. Inside it's disgustingly hot and outside the roads and beaches are packed with overheated out of towners.

But Muffy seems to enjoy the heat. Kind of. She sits in the window against the morning sun.

But later, she likes to lie on the ground against the wall. I bought 2 granite tiles from Home Depot and put them in the fridge. I thought she would like to lie on its cooled surface. But she's scared of the tiles and no amount of smashing her body on the cold cold tiles will negate the fear.

So I did the next best thing. I washed her. She can cool evaporatively. Here's her in my tub pre-water. And that's my shampoo in the back, not hers. She uses a special cat shampoo that makes her smell "baby fresh."

And here's Muffy post-washing.