
Some days I can't deal with people.

Where I live I have people spying on me (they pretend its ok b/c its the babies running up to my windows), I've got a wannabe American Idol girl who sings amazing grace over and over 24-7 and has recently discovered Christmas music too, and my upstairs neighbors move furniture and hold congress at all hours of the day. That's in addition to other strange unemployed/stay at home mom types who do laundry and walk around on their cell phones by my place. YES I should move, but that's another story.

Some days I can't stand law school students. Not all of them, but the ones who are strange and say strange things to me. Or maybe it's me who's strange. We won't get into details, just that you can see perfectly normal people, something happens (I don't always know what), and then that person becomes strange.

And some days I can't stand my cat. You know ever since I got back, she's started meowing at 3am and won't stop literally until I get up, and then the meowing resumes 15min later.


Walmart Commercials

I've got some real issues with most of the commercials on tv, but this one's gotta be the worst.

It's a Walmart commercial for an HDTV - the lady's talking about how getting this HDTV will bring her family together, because everyone's going to huddle around the big screen during the entire holiday season, and presumably for the rest of their lives.

That commercial sums up everything that's wrong with anything in this world. That's right. Think of a problem, trace it to its roots, and you'll find the Walmart commercial. In fact, even if I didn't know anything about Walmart, I would ban the store right now and the corresponding ad agency just for producing that ad. Because not only does it promote a torpid unhealthy lifestyle, it also subjects entire families to brainwashing and utter dependence on mass media. Oh and it's not the type of mass media that encourages any sort of free thought or debate, no it's the kind that tells you exactly what you need to know while you nod in blind agreement.

One day if I could, I'd ban television. I find the Internet mildly tolerable only because it has some type of interactive component (chat rooms = free speech; blogs = freedom to create your own world). Online video games are alright because of the (fake) social aspect. But television has no redeeming qualities. At all. And the Walmart ad, the fact that it's even accepted as a commercial on network television without a murmur from anyone else, means those very values of slothness and passivity have wrought their way so deep into our society as to become part of who we are, so deep that every family now "needs" a "home theatre" system.

My family's just like the Walmart family. I've got pieces of a home theatre system myself. And I can't get away from it.



  • Why would you use the sound of a baby crying as your ringtone?
  • How does my delivery man know that I'm a third year student?
  • Why do I get Kings hockey on tv, but not Ducks?
  • What's with the shorts/flipflops/unshaved uncombed hair look these days?
  • Why did my brother give me a $50 coldstone gift card?
    • Why is there no market to trade this card?
    • Why did I use the card to buy an ice cream cake?
    • Am I going to eat the whole thing?


Obligatory Muffy Pix

I changed back to the Red Bed. Muffy loves the red bed. And her blue blanket. Oh, she especially likes it in those minutes after I get up, but before I remember to make my bed....she takes over the sheets.

Here I attempted to use flash from really far away, and instead got a Muffyzilla.


I gotta tell you about the Mistral Chicken dish I made. It's really good.

You know how you've got that one annoying friend who's like,
"my mom makes this really good dish and its better than anything you can get in the restaurant."

Or the "I know this girl who makes this dish and its super good and its all I want to eat."

Well, this is one of those dishes that's really easy to make, impossible to mess up, and pretty damn good. And I mean, it's chicken. No "I don't eat red meat" or "I'm on a diet" type arguments b/c it's a relatively healthy dish! Of course it won't satisfy readers of the omnivores dilemma and other vegans...

So it's a good recipe for company. Easy and fast. It'll shut up some of those annoying friends. If only for a little bit. Unless they don't like garlic.


My Birthday!

On my birthday, I took the MPRE! That's right, I got up early and went to take a 2 hour bar ethics exam. Oh, and on the Friday night before, you know what I did? I stayed up really late and studied for the test!! In fact that's what I did all day Friday!!

But it's not the worst birthday ever. No, I've had a lot worse. In undergrad I had my midterms on my birthday. You'd think everyone would want to grab a drink after exams, but sometimes you just feel like crap.

After the test (which sucked), I went shopping for my gifts. Being poor, I went to a discount store. Muffy got me these cups. Impractical, but I've always wanted gilded glittery goblets. C got me that card holder, which I'm going to use as a mini wallet once I repair the clasp.

Tokyo brother got me a cat teapot!

Tomorrow- Mistral chicken. I'm still thinking of getting myself a new camera. Either my card reader is busted, or my xD card is broken. If it's the latter, I'm no longer bound to Fuji. Yay.


San Francisco Chicken.

Interesting fact about me:

I make famous chicken dishes from San Francisco restaurants. I've never been to these restaurants and probably never will.

Zuni Roasted Chicken (recipe) I've made about five times. It's really good but I've never done the salting three days in advance. I own the cookbook!

This weekend, I'm going to attempt Mistral Chicken (recipe). The restaurant's in the ferry building and I've always wanted to go but no one ever wants to go with me.

San Francisco!

Last weekend I went to San Francisco to visit C! I stayed for less than 48hours. Did you know Southwest flies to SF now, and you get to go through all the BART stations you thought you'd never visit and never wanted to visit? That's right, I went through Colma!

We got Beard Papa's (there's 2 in the same block) and and ate at Straits (which, contrary to popular belief, sucked). Here's a shot of the Moscone Center, you can't see it but they've got an ice skating rink up there on the second floor!

We also walked up to see the Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill. See once upon a time, there was this homeless man, but he lived rent free (squatted) in SF in a super nice area, like the nicest area ever, and got free coffee at Cafe Trieste, because SF people are nice to homeless men. He spent every day for eight years chronicling the daily activities of this flock of wild parrots. Then he got kicked out of super nice apartment. Eventually, some lady read his book and made it into a film. Then she married him. Now that story makes you either want to live in SF, or run away as quickly as possible...

I forgot what this store sells...I think maybe C said it sold stolen goods from other countries (antiques). But at any rate, I like the sign. You know, it's trying to pull a Red Lobster. Red Lobster has the best sign in the world. No matter what language you speak, you can find Red Lobster because the sign is literally a red lobster. I'm not sure if this is sparkly griffin, glittery mystical animal...I think it actually sells Asian and African stolen goods so it may be scaly kirin.

On Sunday morning we got dim sum at this awesome place near the Ferry building. It was like fancy healthy dim sum served to non-asians. They converted one of the tripe carts you see in real dim sum places to a lettuce cup-maker, and I believe you could get mimosas with your food. I'd recommend it though, its good and safe. And not cheap.