
My Birthday!

On my birthday, I took the MPRE! That's right, I got up early and went to take a 2 hour bar ethics exam. Oh, and on the Friday night before, you know what I did? I stayed up really late and studied for the test!! In fact that's what I did all day Friday!!

But it's not the worst birthday ever. No, I've had a lot worse. In undergrad I had my midterms on my birthday. You'd think everyone would want to grab a drink after exams, but sometimes you just feel like crap.

After the test (which sucked), I went shopping for my gifts. Being poor, I went to a discount store. Muffy got me these cups. Impractical, but I've always wanted gilded glittery goblets. C got me that card holder, which I'm going to use as a mini wallet once I repair the clasp.

Tokyo brother got me a cat teapot!

Tomorrow- Mistral chicken. I'm still thinking of getting myself a new camera. Either my card reader is busted, or my xD card is broken. If it's the latter, I'm no longer bound to Fuji. Yay.