
Cars & Cameras

Back when I first started law school, my car broke down. In fact it broke down the day before the first day of class, when I didn't know anyone, didn't know where the grocery store was, didn't live near any form of public transportation. I relied on strangers to give me rides until I rented an aveo and an x-5 (you can see pix from my first posts). My car was in the shop for a week.

Well, last week my car decides to break down again. Like really break down like huge plumes of smoke break down. Oh, did I mention it was the day before exams? Ya, try getting a ride from someone the day before exams, or even worse, the day of the exam. The thing is, when your car breaks down you don't get the chance to shop around and find a good mechanic that's not booked and when you go rent a car, you get last priority - most expensive vehicle. So I got a Volvo S40. It's C's car but 15 years newer. And it cost me $45/day. And the car repairs (power steering leaking into the engine oil box) cost $600. So I'm out of pocket $750. I took the exam, and then the NEXT DAY I had to take my car BACK to the shop. And I had another exam today. My mechanic told me to stop being paranoid about my car and that it's all good now.

Now, why does this even matter? Well, that was my camera money. I picked a digi SLR and I set a budget of $700 for lens and body, and that was it. I may get the camera yet though claiming it as a graduation gift.

Even with my obsolete camera though you can get great pictures of Muffy. The camera guide told me to not center my subject in the photo, but the focusing options don't allow anything but a giant centered Muffy head. If you look in detail, you can learn a lot about cat eyes.