
C is visiting me this weekend! Yay! Work has been really boring this week so this is definitely a good change. I've been researching sub-Saharan Africa, and when I go home, I read magazine articles on the Congo. Africa's one of those places that just sucks you in, with its stories of chaos and adventure and rebirth. But in reality, living in Africa is probably pretty bad and it takes a special type of personality (not mine) to make it.

Everyone else at work passes time writing cover letters and either dreaming (2Ls) or dreading (3Ls) their futures. I went to a federal gov't career fair for interns in DC last night, and they had a turnout of 1,500 people. It made me wish I stayed in science...because that's the degree employers wanted to see. And then I go home and my roommate tells me she got a new job, one that totally blows all federal govt jobs out of the water. I hope that happens to me one day.