
Monuments @ Night

I did it, I braved the Murderzone. There I was, single female tourist, walking around with my camera at 11pm at night checking out the monuments. Cut to scene of me standing in the deserted metro. Then me walking alone deserted streets back home. The proper mindset is to think of yourself as the aggressor, and others as potential victims. Like if you're out in the Sahara and starving, you'd kill the next animal you saw, which would probably also be starving. I had no weapon, I'd use my bare fists.

Anyhow, it actually wasn't dangerous or a real murderzone at all.

Creepy folks having a picnic, creepy guy flying a kite? Both present.

WW2 memorial + creepy girl.

The Vietnam + Korean memorials were completely packed, no walking room. I guess some buses operate night tours of the monuments, and those are the most popular because the lights are so dim you get this eerie barely discernible glow on the figures.