
Microwave Dinners

Living out of a suitcase means resourceful "cooking." For a variety of reasons, I can only use the microwave here. On the weekends I try to make something that'll last me the entire week for dinners. Usually it's some type of heavy salad. This week features instant mashed potatoes, iced tea, and a salad of salami, mozzarella, green beans and parsley, with tomatoes, olives and peaches on the side of course. This is borderline not cost efficient, but it tastes better than anything I can get on the way home.
Other weeks featured a pasta salad that was basically pizza deconstructed and uncooked, and tabouli, and one week, a box of arugula. The arugula week I'd call the worst week ever. If you ever wondered what arugula tasted like since fancy restaurants only give you one leaf/appetizer, don't buy a box to find out. Just trust me, it's barely edible.