
long ass day

Went to my first hearing yesterday, before the senate commerce, energy, and space committee. It's in a beautiful room with gilded walls and chandeliers. This hearing was pretty much a housekeeping matter though, so only a few senators showed up. Mr. Intertubes was there, only for a bit. I figured out, hearings are kind of pointless b/c everyone submits written testimony first and the senators write what they want to say, so it's just people sitting and reading to each other, and no one really listens to the answers of any of the questions b/c people have already made up their minds.

Then we went to a happy hour with free food/drinks courtesy of the ACS (see ACS story below). I remembered again, why I don't like to go out. The bar had me fooled for a bit b/c it didn't charge cover, none of the places here do. But...they do sell $12 drinks, everyplace is insanely crowded, and the lack of parking, just not my thing. Oh, and I like my coworkers, but do you really want to see them all day, go out with them all night, and then see them again the next morning? I think that could get old fast.

(ACS Story) I interviewed with the ACS - american constitution society- once. They were openly hostile to me because my school doesn't have an ACS chapter. Not that many schools do. So why pick someone for an interview? Anyhow, I'm a bit resentful b/c my summer is speckled with ACS sponsored events, and (maybe this is my perception) every time I go I need to tell them what law school I'm at and then they're kind of rude to me, and then I have to eat all their free food to make up for it.