
This morning I went to the ACS Annual Supreme Ct Review. I mainly went b/c I wanted to see what the national press club looked like inside (modest). The room was packed with incoming second year law school students. The panel was really impressive, the guy who writes SCOTUSblog was there, Tim Goldstein. He's so incredibly smart and articulate. You can see clips of him and others on the ACS blog @ http://www.acsblog.org/

I also went to a meeting on the new FCC rules at Latham/Watkins w/ another super law firm (Wiley). We sat at what must be the longest conference table in the world, and pigged out on free lunch, while the firms' associates stared at us in disgust. Everyone hated us actually, we were the crazy privacy people trying to overturn the entire industry, and they were the ones representing the carriers. We may be crazy, but I don't see why you need to password protect your bathroom when your office is on the 13th floor.

This weekend...I plan to work!